Leaflet for 2017 Morioka Funekko-nagashi 2017
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由祗陀寺方丈吉田大信氏来担任导师,另外,还得到由五名以及驹木葬祭社的协助,从现在起举办共同法要。 放流13只小舟、放流灯笼、投掷火炬之后接下来接近暮色时,最后一幕包括从今年起开始计划的纪念物“焰火”,由本地巴屋烟火工业公司进行上演。 希望观众欣赏到最后。
As the traditional finale to our city's summer festival events, the Funekko-nagashi Executive Committee is proud to have in attendance here today His Honor and Chairman, Hiroaki Tanifuji, Mayor of Morioka, as well as our other esteemed guests.
It is said that the origins of Funekko-nagashi date back to the time of Yukinobu, 4th Lord of the Nambu Domain in the late 17th century.
It was the Princess Makukohime who is remembered for beginning this Buddhist memorial service for the dead.
She began the tradition of decorating mortuary tablets with offerings, placing them in small boats, and floating them on the river.
And ever since then, it has become a part of Okuri-bon when the people pray for the repose of those souls lost in battle, familial ancestors, a bountiful harvest, and the health and prosperity of the general public.
As the ships finally take float on the Kitakami River, we would like to acknowledge the great deal of effort put into their decoration by all of the participating groups.
The Executive Committee would like to express our special thanks to the 55 students from Morioka City High School and Morioka 4th Senior High School for all their hard work in this year's event.
This evening's non-denominational Buddhist service is officiated by His Reverence Daishin Yoshida, Abbot of Gida-ji Temple.
Assisting him tonight are representatives from 5 other temples and the Komaki Undertaker Company.
After this ceremony, the Funekko ships will lead off the procession, followed by floating lanterns, fireworks, and traditional tossing of pine torches.
We hope you enjoy the entirety of tonight's event.
Lastly, the Executive Committee would like to convey it's utmost gratitude to the many companies and organizations who sponsored and supported us this year and in the past.
Additionally, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to the Morioka Tourism and Convention Association and the local media and news outlets for all of their cooperation and assistance in holding this event.
Thank you all very very much.
Contact Us
Morioka Funekko-nagashi Executive Committee[ E-mail / Phone: 070-5621-6210 ]
盛岡舟っこ流し協賛会© [ メール / 電話:070-5621-6210 ]